HCC Embedded, founded in 2002, believes that core software components for deeply embedded systems, should be engineered for safety, quality and portability such that they can be core elements of any system. HCC has built its organization on quality (ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001 certified) to deliver quality solutions. With its SafeTCPIP product HCC is using its focus on developing portable safety components based on the ISO26262 SEooC (Safety Element out of Context) concept, that are mappable to other standards such as IEC61508, IEC62304, DO178B etc. HCC’s portfolio includes over 250 embedded components with core competence in reliable flash management, fail-safe filesystems, IPv4/6 networking stacks with associated security protocols, as well as a comprehensive suite of USB host and function software. HCC has supplied its embedded software components to over 2000 companies globally in a wide variety of industries including Industrial, Medical and Automotive.